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Welcome to the British Lawnmower Museum. Enter the fascinating world of this internationally famous Museum and have a unique experience. View some of our selected exhibits, see our services and look at our Museum Shop. Featuring the Lawnmower Museum DVD, Lawnmowers & Grasscutters: A Complete Guide, Vintage Restored Lawnmowers and Spare Parts for your Vintage Lawnmowers. We also sell new garden machinery such as Rotary, Cylinder and Hover Lawnmowers, Tractors, Strimmers, Trimmers, Chainsaws, Aerators, Cultivators, Shredders, Scarifiers, Hedge Trimmers, Spreaders, Generators, Garden Vacs and Hand Tools


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If you wish to donate to the museum, you can either send us a cheque via post to British Lawnmower Museum, 112 Shakespeare Street, Southport, PR8 5AJ, or bank transfer to British Lawnmower Museum Sort Code: 09 01 27 Account: 77706311 or give Brian a call on (07793) 825 353, or via email at

British Lawnmower Museum
106-112 Shakespeare Street
Great Britain

Tel: +44 (0)1704 501336

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Museum Open Times
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
(Monday - Friday)
9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
or Call to check
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Entrance Fee:
£3.00 Adults
£1.00 Children
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